Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Featured Artist: Sarah Jefferis

During the seven weeks of 'Daily Fiber Intake' we'll focus on individual artists here on our blog. Every week, several artists will be featured. Today, we're pleased to introduce to you: Sarah Jefferis.

"Oil Rig"

Growing up in a military family had many ups and downs.  Moving to different environments has made me very aware of my surroundings. It created the feeling of being an outsider to the U.S. civilian culture. 
I use embroidery to complete the mental picture of the world I see around me and its contents. I consciously combine traditional and experimental techniques.

The piece I am entering into the 'Daily Fiber Intake' exhibit is a large embroidery on handwoven fabric. My intention with this piece was to voice my critical view of an environmental issue: oil extraction off the coasts of continents.

This piece shows two different scenarios. It is either showing the viewer a visual example of what the artificial oil islands are damaging or it shows that the population of sea life greatly outnumbers anything we have put in their environment. They could ultimately ban together to destroy what humans have created.

"Oil Rig" Detail

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